Consumer Channel Preferences for Communicating with Businesses

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Your customers’ want what they want, when and how they choose. That’s not a revolutionary concept, but needs repeating from time to time. It is easy, apparently, for you to project your desires on your prospect or customer. It doesn’t work now…maybe (with a few exceptions) it never worked. This is particularly true of communication with your prospects and customers.

Earlier this year Sendbird approached us about sponsoring a global study on consumer communication preferences. The survey, conducted in February was built around the prompt: “what communication channels do consumers trust, which do they distrust, which do they prefer for a variety of online activities and what happens when you do, and don’t meet them where they are?” To answer those questions we ask 1200 consumers in all three major geographic regions. The first report from the study is available to download.


Consumer Communication Preferences for Sales, Marketing and Customer Service


Subscriber Experience